How to write data and zip the file using ionic.Zip in & C#.
private string WriteResponseInZip()
//Prefixing the filename for download data.
var fileName = "TestFile" + "_" + Guid.NewGuid();
var srcDirectory = "C:\Test apps\test\final\" + fileName + "\\";
var destinDirectory = "C:\Test apps\test\final1";
var srcFile = srcDirectory + fileName + ".txt"; // Put the source file name
var desFile = destinDirectory + fileName + ".zip";// to contanin destination file path
//creating a source directory to store the file.
//Writing response to src txt file
File.WriteAllText(srcFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ResultDataSet, Formatting.None)); put data in any dataset and pass here ex. ResultDataset
//Creating Password protected zip file
using (var zip = new ZipFile())
zip.AddFile(srcFile, ".");// "." is passed to provide the compressed file at root level.
//Zompressing the src directory
//ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(srcDirectory, desFile);
//Deleteing Source file/directory as zip file is created
Directory.Delete(srcDirectory, true);
return fileName;
1). For performing the above operation. first download the file from Nuget Package mangaer in Solution Explorer.
and done the above operation , you will get zip folder download with content.
var fileName = "TestFile" + "_" + Guid.NewGuid();
var srcDirectory = "C:\Test apps\test\final\" + fileName + "\\";
var destinDirectory = "C:\Test apps\test\final1";
var srcFile = srcDirectory + fileName + ".txt"; // Put the source file name
var desFile = destinDirectory + fileName + ".zip";// to contanin destination file path
//creating a source directory to store the file.
//Writing response to src txt file
File.WriteAllText(srcFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ResultDataSet, Formatting.None)); put data in any dataset and pass here ex. ResultDataset
//Creating Password protected zip file
using (var zip = new ZipFile())
zip.AddFile(srcFile, ".");// "." is passed to provide the compressed file at root level.
//Zompressing the src directory
//ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(srcDirectory, desFile);
//Deleteing Source file/directory as zip file is created
Directory.Delete(srcDirectory, true);
return fileName;
1). For performing the above operation. first download the file from Nuget Package mangaer in Solution Explorer.
and done the above operation , you will get zip folder download with content.
How to write data and zip the file using ionic.Zip in & C#.
Reviewed by Vikas Kumar Singh
November 30, 2017
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