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folder structure tutorial in ektron cms

Folder Structure Tutorial in Ektron CMS

folder structure tutorial in ektron cmsWhen we develop and create an EKtron website, we have to plan out for folder structure for displaying the website contents. An unorganized folder structure typically leads to blank pages or ,worse, an Ektron smart form that doesn't have any renderer associated with it.if we talk about well organised folder structure ,lots of benefits ,such as keeping the Ektron workarea performance optimal, providing a logical grouping of an organization's structure for permissions, and allowing for easier site growth or redesigns. If we keep unstructured folder structure, sure website will be be more user friendly and looking not good.

Below is the folder structure:

  • folder structure tutorial in ektron cmsStandard—used for putting common things.
  • folder structure tutorial in ektron cmsRoot—The top-level container for all folder types
  • folder structure tutorial in ektron cms Site— used for supporting multi-site level configuration. 
  • folder structure tutorial in ektron cms Community— used for Community folders. 
  • folder structure tutorial in ektron cms Blog—used for Working with Blogs
  • folder structure tutorial in ektron cms Discussion Board— Used for Working with Discussion Boards
  • folder structure tutorial in ektron cms eCommerce Catalog — Used for creating catlog folder
  • folder structure tutorial in ektron cms Web Calendar— Used for working with calendar

Below are the important point to be used for folder structure helps to manage content effectively.

  • Folder structures should reflect overall information architecture. 
  • Organize content by user or user group permissions. This can make managing content easier because permissions can be inherited for the folder. 
  • Organize content by approval process so that there is a single approval chain associated with the folder. 
  • Keep Page Builder folders separate; this can help manage permissions and also avoid title conflicts.

Using Folder Menus :

Lets you create and upload new items into the folder.

  • Folder— used for adding the folder.
  • Blog—Add blog, A blog is a form of online information sharing. You create a main blog post, and others can comment on it. Or, you can use a blog to create an online diary of everyday life
  • Discussion Board—Add discussion board, The discussion board feature provides topic discussions on your website. A site or membership user with Add Topic permission creates a topic and posts a starter question. Site visitors can then reply. Ektron supports an unlimited number of discussion boards. A discussion board consists of a hierarchy
  • Community Folder—Add folder whose content can be updated by membership as well as regular users, Community folders resemble regular folders in most ways. The only difference is that membership users can add and edit content in these folders only.
  • Calendar—Add Web calendar, Web Calendars keeps site visitors informed about upcoming events. Any authorized user can add events to a calendar. Ektron has System, User, and Group calendars. The calendar type determines where events are stored in the database, and what permissions are needed to edit them.
  • Catalog—Add eCommerce catalog, this folder is a special kind of Ektron folder designed to hold eCommerce entries. Its unique icon distinguishes it from other folder types. If you are familiar with content folders, much of that information applies to catalog folders.
  • Site—Add website.(This option is only available in the context of the root folder.)
    Ektron’s multi-site support feature lets you set up and manage several websites under one CMS.(The multi-site support feature does not support multiple databases.) You can manage content in the additional site the same way you work with content in the root site.
  • HTML Content—Add HTML content
  • HTML Form/Survey—Add HTML form, poll, or survey. Mostly used for Creating Surveys and Polls. Surveys and polls can show ongoing results to site visitors after they submit their answers
  • Page Layout—Add page layout. (This option is only available in the context of the PageBuilder folder.)
  • Master Layout—Add master layout. (This option is only available in the context of the PageBuilder folder.) A Master Layout is a special type of PageBuilder template that may include a special kind of dropzone called a Master Zone. A Master Zone is only editable by users assigned to the Administrators group or the MasterLayout-Create role.
  • Smart Form—Add Smart Form. (This option is only available if one or more Smart Forms are assigned to the folder.) Use Smart Form configurations to display, save, and validate the content properly. Smart Form configurations use XML tags (that are hidden from users) and serve content to various presentation devices (PDAs, mobile phones, and so on), which saves users from creating duplicate content
  • DMS Document—Add Office document, managed file, or multimedia file, any supported type
  • Multiple DMS Documents—Add several Office documents, managed files, multimedia files, and any supported type. 
  • Collection—Add collection. A collection is a list of content links offered to readers of a Web page. You can use a collection to display any listing, such as job postings, press releases, and knowledge base articles.
  • Menu—Add menu. Ektron’s Menu feature lets users create and maintain a drop-down menu system for your website. The menu options can link to content, library files, external hyperlinks, and submenus.
  • Add Calendar Event—Add calendar event. (This option is only available in the context of the WebCalendar folder.) 
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Using above all technique we can manage the folder structure ,also huge content can be manage,that will give more benefit site management. 

Managing Folder Permissions

Permissions determine which actions Ektron users and user group members can perform oncontent, library items, and content folders. For example, you let your Webmaster perform advanced actions, such as adding folders, editing folder properties, and deleting folders. At the same time, you let content contributors only view, edit, and add content. You can set permissions for a folder or content item. Content item permissions override the associated content folder permissions. When you assign permissions to a folder, they affect all of its subfolders and content unless you break inheritance for a subfolder or content item.

folder structure tutorial in ektron cms Reviewed by Vikas Kumar Singh on June 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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